Article No. 0441

The Power of
Perseverance is

“We also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that
Affliction produces Endurance,
Endurance produces Proven Character, and
Proven Character produces

Romans 5:3-4

persist-on Character is not inherited or simply obtained by being around outstanding people.  Instead, it is created by persevering through difficult problems - and overcoming them.

The Bible tells the story of people that despite circumstances, opposition, or persecution, persevered through situations that were seemingly impossible. Great characters of faith like Joseph, Moses, David - and most significantly Jesus - worked through difficulties beyond what most of us could not imagine. However, all of them eventually not only overcame but persevered to victory. Despite the challenges and suffering set before them, they persevered in the face of their severe trials and tribulations by putting into practical practice faith with persistence.

Because we live in a fallen world, problems will arise, and the unpredictably in this year of 2020 is a sobering example. The good news is that Isaiah 9:6 says that we have a great “Counselor” on our side to help us work through every obstacle and His Name is Jesus.

Perseverance takes practice performed with persistence. While we are all inundated by problems in this life, as you persist in overcoming problems that you have resolved, the better you will become at resolving them going forward, and by doing so, by default you will inherit CHARACTER.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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