Article No. 0439

Are You Still
Crushed Under The
Curse of Guilt?

“Thou hast set our iniquities before thee,
our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.”

Psalm 90:8

guilt+regret In looking back over life, we all have regrets. There are things we did (or maybe did NOT do) that we may deeply regret. At the least some of these acts could simply be mistakes or lost opportunities but at worst - a severe moral failing that we are ashamed of that haunts us to this day.

I don’t know about you, but there are things I have done in my life that go beyond being embarrassed of things that I am truly ashamed of that I would never want anyone to know. I would suppose that some of you reading this might identify with that, and if you do - read on because there is some good news I’d like to share with you.

You see, these significant failings in life all have one thing in common, and this is simply SIN. In these acts of indiscretion, we have either sinned against others, sinned against ourselves, but especially sinned against God. But as I promised, here is the good news.

You and I are (or can be) FREE of that guilt and sin! When you ask Christ to forgive you of your sins and pledge your allegiance to Him as your LORD and Saviour, the Bible says that he remembers our sins no more and washed us “clean as snow.” God not only forgives, but HE FORGETS our sins. He wipes the slate clean.

Friend if you are burdened by guilt from the past, place it at the foot of the cross because it is there that all those sins were wiped out. You no longer have anything to be ashamed about because He covered it and it has ALL been forgotten! Because HE has forgotten it, you are now free to forget it, so forgive yourself and receive HIS FORGIVENESS and let that curse be lifted!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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