Article No. 0437

Life Sentence
Eternal Sentence

“You will free the captives from prison,
And release those who sit in darkness.”

Isaiah 42:7

which-bars There are two prisons that we can go to. One is in this life that is always escapable, and one in eternity that is inescapable.

Even if you are condemned in this world to a life sentence without possibility of parole to the most secure super-max prison on earth there may be no way out physically, but there is a way out spiritually. God forgives- and has forgiven - even the most violent vile murderers, rapists, and thieves that have confessed of their sins to God. While their repentance before earthly courts will never let them out of their LIFE SENTENCE, as today’s scripture says, their humble and sincere confession of their sins to God in this life will release them to freedom in their ETERNAL STATE.

However there is an ETERNAL PRISON from which there is NO escape. It is a torturous place that makes the worst super-max penitentiary look like a luxury hotel and once there, no amount of regret, confession, or repentance to God will ever deliver you from it. Jesus called this place HELL and once you go there, it is an ETERNAL SENTENCE without the possibility of escape.

The Bible says that “All Have Sinned” and because of that, we are all condemned to an ETERNAL SENTENCE from which we cannot escape with this one wonderful exception:

“The ETERNAL SENTENCE for all sin is Death in Hell,
but the Pardon of God is Free and
Life in Heaven for Eternity”

Romans 6:23
(Heavily Paraphrased for clarity and meaning)

Friend, it is up to you to choose before this life is over if you will either accept your ETERNAL SENTENCE to the inescapable prison, or ask for the pardon being offered of acquittal through confession of your sins and receiving ETERNAL FORGIVENESS. If you have not taken that opportunity, do it today. Life is short and can end at anytime, and once the eternal sentence is passed, there are no second chances.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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