Article No. 0436

Are You
'Going Out'
The Way You Think
You’re 'Going Out?'

“We are not saved in this life
Because of any good deeds that we have done,
But because of HIS MERCY towards us.”

Titus 3:5

heroic-death Some people hope that when they die that they might leave this life 'their way,' on their terms perhaps doing what they loved and then exiting bravely into eternity. As noble and dramatic that act may be in leaving this life, a larger question is that once exiting this stage on earth, what is next for that soul once they pass over onto 'the other side?'

For us watching a friend’s brave departure on 'this side of the veil', many may think that due to their courage in facing death that they have earned a place in heaven and that because of their bravery in facing death head-on that they are now looking down at those of us still here on Terra Firma. As romantic as this emotional line of thinking is, this is not what the Bible teaches.

It is not how we have overcome difficulties, hardships, loss, or even how good, great or significant our accomplishments have been in this life that gets us into heaven. As today’s scripture says, it is not our DEEDS THAT SAVE US, but because of GOD’S MERCY TOWARDS US. The only 'deed' that we can do in this life that He honors that ensures passing from earthly life to heavenly life is that if you:

CONFESS with your mouth the Lord Jesus and
BELIEVE in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,
You will be saved.”

Matthew 7:23

Friend, your acts of goodness, commitment or bravery from yourself - as noble as they might be - cannot raise you up to heaven, however simply accepting that Jesus is LORD, confessing that your sin and asking Him to forgive you is the only way of 'Going Out' that will take you from an earthly death to heavenly life. Pass over the border from Terra Firma to The City of God based on HIS TERMS, not your own. If you have not done so, accept Christ and His Mercy TODAY.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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