Article No. 0435

The Sin of

Which is IDOLATRY”

Colossians 3:5

envy Many things in life can trip us up, but a big one that most people do almost daily is “The SIN of COMPARISON”, and the word itself reveals why.

The prefix 'com' means 'with' and 'par' means 'equal' (...just like 'PAR' in golf) therefore the Sin of Comparison is when we score ourselves against others or some human standard as being either being more equal or less equal than others in either RIGHTEOUSNESS or RICHES.

Regarding 'RIGHTEOUSNESS' it is easy to think that because we are not a robber or a murder that we are better than those that commit crimes, but that is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says that there is no good in us - that ALL have sinned and we are not even close to God’s goodness or righteousness. But there is good news for all those that are believers in Christ because it is the Righteousness of Christ - and NOT that of ourselves - that makes us righteous. Because of His Righteousness He views all of us 'on par' and as equal in His eyes, so likewise we ought to see others likewise!

Regarding 'RICHES' we all have been given different gifts - some tangible and others not. These can be financial wealth, social standing, position, power, appearance, beauty, age, talent, intelligence, health, fitness, or possessions, to name a few. When we look through the lens of the riches ruler and start comparing our RICHES as being above or below others, we again fall into that Sin of Comparison. As part of the Body of Christ, we all have different roles and positions (see 1 Corinthians chapter 12) and because each part of the body is not the same, it doesn’t mean that that you or me are inferior or lesser to anyone else. We all just have different roles and graces.

The question to solving this is “How Do We Move Beyond This?“ and the answer is found in the epistle that says:

“Lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the
LUSTS of DECEIT, and that you be RENEWED in the SPIRIT OF YOUR MIND, and put
on the new self, which in the LIKENESS OF GOD has been created in righteousness
and holiness of the truth.”

Colossians 3:9-10

The key is let our minds being conformed to how God thinks! He is above all, and it is by his GRACE that have everything that we have. It is by his grace we are saved and it is by his grace that we have what we have, be it great or small. Just because God gives different gifts to different people does not mean that you are more or less valuable than others, so remember - we are all ON PAR in His eyes! He loves you and made you just the way you are, so let us so view others through HIS EYES and see that God truly “Created All Men Equal!”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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