Article No. 0434

Four Words That
You Will NEVER Want
To Hear!

“He (Jesus) will say to those
on his left ______”

Matthew 25:41a

on-the-left So what exactly will Jesus say to those “on His left?” And who are these people anyway? Well in this verse it wasn’t to rapists, murders or thieves, but on the contrary it was to the top religious leaders of Israel - supposedly those that were the most holy, reverent, and pure among the people. While they thought they had an “in” with God because of their great piousness, Jesus condemned them, this the first of three groups of people that will be “…on His LEFT.”

The second group are ardent church goers - deeply religious people that attend every Sunday, volunteer at the church and go to every meeting and assembly, but do so out of duty, tradition, or social interaction. While actively involved, they are like a lady I knew years ago that attended my Sunday school class that had been a member of that church for 50 years. At the end of a Sunday school lesson, she said to me in a slightly confused manner “You know, I have heard about this 'being born again' thing, but I never knew what that meant.” If you are a Christian, let that sink in, because churches (like the one many of you attend) are full of people like that. This group is also “on His left.”

The third group are those that have no time for god or 'religion.' They either do not think he exists or if he does, is not worth honoring anyway. They either ignore god or mock him or people foolish enough to believe in this silly imaginary friend.

For all three groups, when time ends and all will stand before God’s throne, He will say THESE FOUR WORDS to those on the left:

Matthew 7:23

And then even more sternly the words that follow are:

“Away with you, you cursed ones,
Into the eternal fire prepared for the
Devil and his demons.”

Matthew 25:41b

Are you on Jesus’ Right or Left? What will He say to you on that day? Will it be “Well done thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23) or “I Never Knew You!”.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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