Article No. 0433

God Does
Science Says So (?!)

“Faith is the substance of
Things hoped for, the
Evidence of things

Hebrews 11:1

god-in-a-magnifying-glass The famous American anthropologist Margaret Mead was once asked if she believed in U.F.O.s. to which she replied:

“It’s a silly question.
Belief has to do with matters of faith;
it has nothing to do with the kind of knowledge
that is based on scientific inquiry.
Do people believe in the sun or the moon,
or the changing seasons, or the chairs they’re sitting on?”

Like Dr. Mead, many people substitute 'U.F.O.s' with 'God' and come to the same result that having a mere belief in something is no substitute for rigorous academic scientific inquiry. Just as we can know that a chair can hold us up through direct experience and that it can be touched, measured and weighed, the same thing cannot be said for this silly 'imaginary friend' that some people naively refer to as “God.”

But here is where the scientific method (as valuable as it is) does not apply. Granted, almost everything can be examined and measured, but not EVERYTHING. If science is the ultimate arbitrator of truth, let science measure the size, weight and Periodic Table of Elements Value of LOVE, PEACE, and KINDNESS! Well guess what? By the vaunted scientific method, they can’t be measured so therefore by the 'scientific method' they do not exist. Yet God, as countless people have experienced, precisely has those attributes.

Well as many know, God does indeed exist and using the 'I know chairs exist because I have one and can sit on it method' so likewise by the empirical method, countless millions have encountered God and know that he is real! Not only that, but we have documentation that has been proven to be 100% historically correct and is consistent with itself, and that is the BIBLE.

Friend, GOD IS REAL and you can see him with the same eyes you use when you love someone, so just as you experience love, you will experience God, because GOD IS LOVE. Just like LOVE, PEACE, and KINDNESS! He likewise is the evidence of “Things NOT Seen”

God Exists. See Him today!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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