Article No. 0432

The Only
'Self-Help' Book
You’ll Ever Need!

“If you receive my words,
And treasure my commands...
Then you will find the

Proverbs 2:1,6

self-help-books Remember the days when book stores were flooded with self-help books? Books like “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” “Think and Grow Rich,” and “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” were huge best sellers, but in looking back if you read these books, did these books really help you??

You may have read them and felt better for a bit, read another one - but then slipped back to where you were-- and that’s what most people did. They’d read a book, follow everything in it and see some improvement, but when it came down to it there was always one piece of the puzzle missing that they needed that gave a long-term benefit. That 'something' is the only “true self-help book” that has ALL the answers for every question and every human need and that is the TRUE guide book to life, and it’s called The Bible!!;

Here’s the thing...the Bible is God’s Word written from Him directly to EACH of us, and it speaks to us about EVERY issue of living from love, marriage, death, hate, and divorce...everything imaginable that relates to our life here on earth. The Bible speaks to the deepest parts of our being which we call our spirit man and it reveals knowledge which directly comes from the Holy Spirit of God. You cannot beat information like that!!

The Bible is authoritative, educational and inspirational and it’s effect is NOT temporary, but long lasting. It reaches deep down inside us teaching how to REALLY live slicing to the very core of our being and is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). It is THE in-depth essential standard “how-to-live life book!”

My friend, If you have tried reading self-help after self-help book only to feel frustrated because there must be an answer you have not yet discovered, then open the Bible! Start with the book of Proverbs and you will be amazed at what wisdom you will gain! Follow up with the book of Psalms and then the Gospel of John in the New Testament and read the words of Jesus and His words will speak in a way that is more meaningful that no self-help book can match.

If you want true ’self-help’ there’s one book that delivers - THE BIBLE. Read it every day and in it you’ll find real answers to help you live a true life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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