Article No. 0431

You Don’t
Have To Do Anything
To 'Go To Hell'

“Wide is the gate and
Broad is the way that
Leads to Destruction (Hell), and
There are many who go in by it. Because
Narrow is the gate and difficult is
The way which leads to life (Heaven), and
There are few who find it.”

Matthew 7:13-14

Highway2HellSign Jesus’ word in today’s scripture is perhaps one of the strongest and most direct instructions and warnings He gives about one of two paths that people will choose to take in life. So here is His message – plain and simple; You don’t have to do anything to be on the wrong road - all you have to do is do NOTHING and just follow the crowd. The question is “why is this so?” and Jesus answers that by saying:

“The lure of wealth and the
Desire for pleasure and comfort
Crowd out any thoughts of God and His promises
and all thoughts of the consequences of eternity.”

Mark 4:19

(Highly Paraphrased for clarity of message)

You see, in this life the broad road is wide and easy with plenty of room for everyone. It’s also more pleasurable and fun and since most people are also on it, it’s both familiar and natural too. Thoughts of the hereafter are not on people’s minds on this path because as Jesus said, any spiritual thoughts are crowded out by those things that distract and mislead.

Listen please! There IS a HEAVEN and there IS a HELL. The road to destruction is easily taken and it is an eternally fateful mistake to not be purposeful to walk the narrow path that leads to an eternity in heaven.

Friend, please take an honest look at your life and ask yourself - Which road are YOU on? If you are not on the right road, don’t do nothing. Change your direction and choose to walk on the narrow path to LIFE!!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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