Article No. 0429


“Father FORGIVE them for they
Know not what they do”

Luke 23:34

jesus-hand-forgiving Is God a cruel, mean, and unforgiving being? That’s what a lot of people think!! and they see him as an angry deity, hand outstretched in anger with bolts of lightning shooting off His fingertips zapping people left and right. THE TRUTH HOWEVER IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

The Bible says in 1 John 4:8 that “GOD IS LOVE” but even greater than that God is FORGIVENESS!. In fact He is the most forgiving being EVER!!, and people that have done the most horrible things imaginable have been forgiven by Him.

In the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve committed the first and most consequental sin in history, He sought THEM out seeking to forgive them! In the New Testament the powerful Pharisee Saul of Tarsus delighted in killing and persecuting Christians, yet not only did God forgive him, but transformed him into the Apostle Paul to be the greatest evangelist of all time. Jesus forgave one of his closest disciples, Peter for denying him three times, and at the crucifixion where only the most malevolent criminals were convicted, Jesus forgave the vile thief next to him and while doing so in his own unjustified agony also forgave those that had nailed him to the cross and mocked him as he hung there naked and ashamed.

The man who wrote the most famous hymn “Amazing Grace” was a slave ship owner and sea captain that sold, transported and mercilessly killed hundreds, yet sought and freely received God’s compassionate pardon to proclaim that “He saved a WRETCH like Me!”

No matter what horrible things you have done, God WANTS to forgive you and He is patiently waiting for you... just ask Him and He Will! You have nothing to be ashamed of that He cannot in His infinite love forgive and bless you. Go before Him today! Ask Him right now for His divine pardon because He wants to forgive you – that is His nature. While he FORESAW and FORETOLD your sin, He is earnestly now wanting to FORGIVE YOU.

No matter what you have done horrible in this life, you can receive His Forgiveness TODAY. Just ask Him.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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