Article No. 0426

You CAN Prevent
This Existential

“Sin entered the world...and through this
Came a black pollution of the soul
And while this (‘existential’) event ultimately leads to death,
God’s solution is eternal life in Jesus Christ.”

Romans 5:12 + Romans 6:23
(Highly Paraphrased)

SinEarth Many people are convinced that CO2 and fossil fuels are destroying the planet, and while this may be entirely absolutely TRUE or entirely FALSE, there is a DEFINITE 'existential event' that WILL wipe out everyone that is unavoidable unless action is taken.

You see, the most existential pollution that has scorched the earth and painted everyone’s heart and soul black is SIN. You can’t wash or clean it off yourself, and if you don’t take care of it and you die marked with it, you will experience your own personal existential experience which won’t be reversible.

The solution is not purchasing 'carbon offsets' but accepting a 'sin offset' that you don’t even have to pay for because it was pre-purchased for you before you were born! This was the sacrifice that Jesus made in dying on the cross that wiped out and 'offset' the sins of the world to make it clean again.

The Bible teaches that sin is the ultimate pollution and poison to human life, and anyone that is not made clean from it will certainly die. Even scientists have said that while there are things that we can do to take better care of the earth, the Bible says that one day the earth will be destroyed by fire and fervent heat (2 Peter 3:10). The earth is not your permanent home, and you can avoid your personal existential event by an 'environmental clean-up' of your SPIRIT by a cleansing in the Blood of Christ.

There is no assurance that you have “10 more years” before it is too late! If you have not done this, do this today:

Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me of my sin and wash it away and clean it up. I cannot do it myself, and ask you today to redeem my soul from this polluted world and make me whole and pure as you intended. I declare that Jesus is my LORD and MESSIAH and I put my trust in Him to save me from this stain of sin. - AMEN!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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