Article No. 0424

Eternal Lives Matter!
(THAT’s What Matters!)

“The LORD... is patient with everyone.
He is not willing that anyone should perish, but that
All should come to repentance.”

2 Peter 3:9

AllLivesMatter Are you worried about your life or what’s coming next? if so, then find solace in today’s scripture because there is astonishing hope for everyone who believes in Christ! Jesus reminds us that He created the world and everyone in it and He is in control of everything. He promises eternal life to ALL people into his eternal home in heaven and you don’t have to demonstrate or demand anything to get there. Think about that!

While protestors are filling the streets demanding that “BLACK LIVES MATTER!!” - and that is TRUE - from God’s point of view He looks at the world and says THAT ALL LIVES MATTER!! Regardless of what does or does not happen on the earth, ALL LIVES will be in eternity one way or another, and nothing matters more than a person’s eternal state -- not their earthly state.

While there are major injustices in the world, we all need to understand that life here on earth is temporary. Instead of complaining about the unfairness of life in the world, instead embrace the opportunity to show kindness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness (and above all) LOVE for your fellow man. Rebellious behavior solves nothing and is the opposite of peace. God created man to live in harmony and peace, so instead of “If you Want Peace, Work For Justice,” turn this around and say “If you want JUSTICE, work for Peace.” JESUS CHRIST is the PRINCE OF PEACE and when you demonstrate love towards your ALL LIVES and God, He will bring justice to the world. If we do that, then all lives WILL matter.

So as tragic as some things are in the world, look at the eternal view and not just the chaotic world around us. This world is TEMPORARY but what follows is unseen. It is YOUR ETERNITY. This is what matters.

Friend, fix your eyes on the ultimate security and fulfillment that already awaits you because of the work Jesus did for you on the cross. All lives do indeed matter, but in God’s eyes Your Eternal Life Matters. Work towards God and you shall have both PEACE now and ETERNAL LIFE latter.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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