Article No. 0423

You Cannot RECEIVE
What You Do Not

“All the Promises of God are
YES! And in Him they are all

James 1:15

cannot-receive The great hockey player Wayne Gretsky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take,” and in a related thought later also said in essence, “I don’t go to where the puck IS. I go to where IT IS GOING TO BE.” In both of these, there is a strong exercise of faith in both visualizing and believing that he will succeed when he puts both of these strategies into action. This same principle is also true in our spiritual walk.

God has given us many promises in the Bible and if you apply Gretsky’s thinking and don’t take the initiative to seize those promises, they will not just simply come to you. Applying your faith and believing is the spiritual equivalent to 'skating to where the promise is and will be.' Once you do, then and only then will you be able to receive those promises.

Professional athletes are disciplined to work out, go to practice each day, learn their plays, and study the strategies of their opposition. We likewise have to exercise the same disciplines in our life by daily getting into the practice of reading God’s Word, understand His 'playbook' and apply His wisdom and know the pitfalls and dangers of the opposition we all face in life. However there is one last vitally important element that must be present and that is that you have to BELIEVE you are going to win and receive that in your heart!

God has so much to give us, and we can and will receive it, but we have to do our part because –

“Without faith it is
IMPOSSIBLE to please him: for
He that comes to God
that he is, and that
He is a rewarder of them that
Diligently Seek Him.”

Hebrews 11:6

BELIEVE and you will RECEIVE!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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