Article No. 0421

There Is No 'god'
The bible Is A Bunch Of Fairy Tales
All christians are Naïve And Stupid
Religion Enslaves People And Is Destructive

“Professing themselves to be WISE
They became ______”

Romans 1:22

4StupidGodThings “This is a great list! Sounds good, makes sense, and finally speaks the truth about the stupidity of all this 'faith stuff!' Who needs faith anyway? I don’t believe in faith, I believe in FACTS!”

Well, there are a lot of people that think and feel this way, and you know what, it is totally OK to think that. In fact, we can all 'think' anything we want, but there is one 'fly in the ointment here' and that is while there are facts, everyone – whether they realize it or not - has FAITH. Here’s why.

If you are like me, I have faith that the sun will come up the next day, that I’ll wake up in the morning, and that my heart won’t suddenly stop beating. If you think about it, all those things happen by FAITH – and we have zero control over that. But here is my favorite retort against this Facts-vs-Faith thing....

Imagine that you are driving down a two lane road late at night going 50 miles an hour. The headlights of another car are coming towards you in the opposite lane also going 50 miles an hour. How do you know for a FACT that the driver of that car won’t suddenly have a heart attack at the last second, swerve into your lane and hit you head-on? The 'FACT' is you don’t. The reality is that you take it on “faith” that that won’t happen and trust the other driver to drive safely.

Everyone has faith in something, and facts are not facts unless they are verified. The harsh FACT here is that people that say the four statements above have never really, honestly vetted the TRUE FACT about God’s Word The Bible or given it a chance. They base it on only what they have heard or think or have perceived to have seen about 'religion' or read in a text book and have “professed to THEMSELVES” what is FACT, yet they never have seriously taken the time to verify that the Bible is the most most read, most published, most documented, vetted and verified literature in the history of the world. That is pretty amazing for a book about lies and fairy tales.

So if 'faith' is that this God/Bible/Jesus/Salvation stuff is all a bunch of nonsense, then is it possible that those that say that have no sense? To answer that question if you are one of those people, look up what that last word is in Romans 1:22 and that will in the end to be a fact that you will vett out in eternity.

If you have read this far, thank you. Lennon said kindly “Give Peace A Chance.” Likewise friend, God is saying through His Word, “Give ME A Chance,”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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