Article No. 0420

Please Forgive Me
For the Sins That
I Have Committed
Against You

“If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

praying-on-knees In the Catholic Church we were taught what to say when got on your knees to begin our confessional. I know what I would say -- but how would you fill in that blank?

The only person that is worthy of getting on our knees to ask to ask for forgiveness is Almighty God. The reason is that while we are ALL guilty of not just a social offense or impolite action, but all sins that we commit by God’s standard are worthy of damnation.

The Bible says (not me!) that “EVERYONE has sinned and we ALL fall short of God’s glorious standard.” The Bible also say that all “..those who do such things are worthy of death.” The truth is that we ALL need to get on our knees and ask Almighty God for forgiveness! When we do that and “confess our sins, (then) He is faithful and righteous to forgive us!”

While in this life we may have offended an individual person the Bible teaches us that when we need to ask forgiveness from a person we do not have get on our knees before them, but we DO need to make it right and heal the offense that we have committed. But there is another important half of this, and that is when forgiveness is asked for then forgiveness needs to be given.

At the heart of forgiveness is LOVE. God is willing to forgive...are you? So let us all practice forgiving and to Love one another.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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