Article No. 0418

If MY Life Was
A Statue,
Would It Be
Torn Down?

Cast the First Stone.”

John 8:7

Junipero-Serra-Statue For MY life?? Yes. Absolutely.

Why? Because if people knew all the horrible things I had done in my life, then I would be guilty as charged! When I honestly review my life to the Ten Commandments then I can honestly say I have kept SOME of them - but not ALL of them. Maybe the same could be said for you too(?!?)

Have you ever told a lie? I have...lots of times, but commandment #9 says “Do not bear false witness,” yet when we tell a lie, we are testifying to someone else something that is not true. I have used the Lord’s name in vain and sworn many about you? Most of us have, and that’s commandment #3. Commandment #1 says to “Not put idols or (#2) any other things before him. (#10)” Again, GUILTY AS CHARGED. How about you? I won’t bare ALL of my transgressions - but you get the idea (and we’ll collectively skip commandments #6-#8!)

The point is that if everyone’s life was held up to the standard of “this person did or said something REALLY BAD and it hurt or offended somebody or a group of people” then ALL of our statues would be torn down.

The only person that has the right to ultimately and finally judge any life for right or wrong is God. The Bible says that one day he will come to judge all that are alive or who have ever been alive (2 Timothy 4:1) and it will be a 100% correct and righteous evaluation. By His standard we are ALL GUILTY and the consequence of that is eternal separation from anything good or loving and to be cast into eternal darkness completely alone...forever. That is what the Bible says (not me!), but there is a way for your statue not to be torn down by God’s like so many have been today and literally burned.

The Bible says all you need to do is ask God to wipe the slate clean of all the things you’ve done. It does not matter how bad or frequent what you did was or even how many people you hurt, God is a loving and forgiving Father that seeks to be reunited with His children. Then confess this to him and put him #1 like the commandment #1 says. He is the God of forgiveness and reconciliation. We could all use a lot of that in today’s world.

When we confess who WE ARE and who He IS before Him, instead of tearing down our statue, he will place it on a pedestal and say:

“Well Done, thou GOOD and FAITHFUL servant!”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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