Article No. 0416

Do You Have
The True Picture
Of Jesus?

“I determined not to know anything among you
Except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

1 Corinthians 2:2

CrucifixCross How do you picture Jesus? Do you see Him as a baby in a manger, as a boy in the synagogue confounding the religious leaders of Jerusalem, or maybe working as a carpenter? Or perhaps performing miracles, teaching in the temple, preaching to the multitudes or blessing the children? While Jesus was all of these things, the most important view of Him is of him hanging on the cross dying for the sins of the world. When you are able to see and realize that, the significance of this is to know the reason why He came, and what it means to you.

To see Christ like a picture on a cross is one thing, but it is something quite different and profound to realize what He did and accomplished in that act. In dying for our sins, he opened up eternity for everyone and became the author and finisher of our faith as the one who endured the suffering of crucifixion and the shame associated with criminals being hung on a cross (Galatians 3:13; Deuteronomy 21:23) and rising from the grave so that when

“He ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and
gave gifts to men.’ But this, ’He ascended’ —didn’t he also
first descend into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is
the one who also ascended far above all the heavens,
that he might fulfill all things.”

Ephesians 4:7-10

This is the “true picture of Christ!” Not as one eternally suffering on a crucifix, but one that overcame sin and death to come off that cross and leave it empty to then rise from the dead for you and me and lead us to ascend in like manner! This is the fullness of the image Jesus wants us all to see.

So my friend, do you know that there is no greater love you will ever know than the love of Jesus. Do you know Him? Have you accepted Him into your heart? If you haven’t, He is longing for you to accept Him as your Savior. The world cannot save you, but can only entice you to live your life for the pleasure of temporary things that will pass away. Jesus died for you and He can give you eternal life in heaven with Him. Won’t you open your heart today and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins?? When you do He will welcome you into His kingdom to live with Him forever.

Do not delay, do this TODAY.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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