Article No. 0414

Don’t Retaliate!

“Father, forgive them,
For they do not know what they do.”

Luke 23:35

retaliate-break-glass The country is awash in civil unrest - violent riots, destruction of property, and even death - but what is the cause of so much dissension, discord, and rage? The response of RETALIATION.

When wrongs are committed, the natural human response is to strike back, yet while Jesus was falsely accused and guilty of no crime, and then humiliated and suffered on the cross he did not fight back. Instead he let them spit on him, tear his beard out, rip his skin to bloody shreds, put a piercing crown of thorns upon his head, and willingly submitted to letting his hands and feet be nailed to the cross.

If this been any other person this kind of unjust treatment would have caused feelings of retaliation to well up and burst out, but not Christ. Why? Because he was and is the Son of God, holy and sinless, though able to send his tormentors into eternal flames - did not do that. Instead he uttered the words, “Father FORGIVE THEM, for they know not what they do.

No doubt our human nature when someone does something to us, our natural response is to retaliate when we are hurt and even persecuted unjustly, yet Jesus never treated his executioners with judgment. Instead HE FORGAVE THEM. Think about this and allow the same decision to forgive those who persecuted Him operate forgiveness inside of you when you feel you have the right to retaliate. When you do, the peace that surpasses all understanding will come over you and you will have a release in your soul that will in the long run be a balm to your spirit.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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