Article No. 0412

We Cannot
Thank Him

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with PRAISE:
Be THANKFUL unto him, and
BLESS his name.”

Psalm 100:4

showing-thanks2god.jpg Have you ever wondered how Jesus bore his horrible torture before death on the cross? Roman flogging was almost as horrible as crucifixion, causing the vanquished to lose consciousness or even die. And then after his torture he still had the strength to carry his cross where huge iron nails pierced his wrists and feet. Even so while he never committed a single sin or broke any law, he then hung humiliated and naked on the cross and took on all the sins of everyone that would ever live in the world. Will you and I ever fully comprehend this?

It is a divine miracle and by the power of God that Jesus not only survived this heinous inhumanness, but submitted himself to it! It could have been so easy for Him to defy every one of His accusers and send them all to hell, but this was not the reason He bore it all. He did it to SAVE US, because He was the only One who could!!!

Isaiah prophesied that this event and all that took place up to it would happen at an ordained time writing:

“Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows…
He was pierced for our transgression,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and
By His wounds we are healed.”

Isaiah 53:4-5

Wrap your mind and heart around this amazing “Love” Jesus has for you and thank him, Thank Him, THANK HIM!!! You can never Thank Him enough.

My friend, if you haven’t known the love of Jesus and His Forgiveness you are missing so much!! Won’t you ask Him to come into your heart right now and receive the sacrifice He made for you on the Cross? Don’t put Him off!! No one in all this world loves you and knows you more than He does. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and with all your heart and He will transform your life so that you can live in His beautiful heaven and to make a place for you. If you pray this prayer, Jesus will come into your heart right now and you will never be the same. Your life will be full and so blessed. He will guide and direct you. Thank Him for saving you!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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