Article No. 0410

Where Were You
The Day Before
You Were Born?

“For you created my inmost being;
You knit me together in

Psalm 139:13

ExpectantMothers I don’t know about you, but I was in my mother’s womb the day before I was born.

How about you?

And the day before that, I was also in my mother’s womb, and the day before that and...well- you get the idea. I think that it is fair to say that we could both say the same...YES?

Well, it’s also fair to say that the day before YOU were born, you also were in your mother’s womb, and if you are reading this, then you have a MOTHER and are ALIVE. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad you CAN read this!

Let’s take this “formed in my mother’s womb” one step further...

I am no medical expert, but I strongly suspect that the day before I was born I had a heart that was beating and had all my fingers and toes, and could even move them! My mom said that I kicked her too, and I’m no human physiology expert but inanimate growths can NOT kick a woman’s inward parts.

According to the Bible, it is not the mother that makes the decision to form the baby, it is God. God forms ALL life and we all know instinctively that it is not good to kill an animal (like Bambi or a Bald Eagle’s egg) just because we want to or because it’s not 'convenient.'

So when you see that sign at the local grocery store, “Parking for expectant Mothers,” give that lady some space. God could be forming in her the next MLK, Beethoven, or Einstein.

Let’s not take away that person’s future parking space.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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