Article No. 0407

One Day
All will Take
BOTH Knees!

“At the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, and ...
every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord”

Philippians 2:10-11

OneOrTwoKnees Years ago I heard something I never forgot about showing respect in certain situations:

  • When the President walks in, everyone claps
  • When the Judge walks in, everyone stands
  • When the Queen walks in, every kneels on one knee
  • When JESUS CHRIST walks in, Everyone will knell on BOTH KNEES

There will be a day when taking one knee will mean nothing, but knelling on both knees will mean everything because it will recognize the only thing that is really important. If you know Christ as LORD and Saviour this makes perfect sense and it will be a time we can look forward to with great joy. However if you do not honor or respect who Christ is before your life is over, it will be a tragic regret that must be endured for eternity.

Friend, before you prioritize on issues that insist you 'take a knee,' take both knees NOW for what really matters and that is to place Christ above all. For some reading this, that makes ZERO sense and seems stupid, silly, and sophomoric, but I implore you that in the grand scheme of things, there is nothing more important in all the world than to honor Him who made the World and made YOU. When you do, you will receive forgiveness, love and joy beyond imagination.

Your choice to prioritize taking one knee – or two – is entirely up to you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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