Article No. 0406

The Acts of the
Sons of Perdition

“The Thief (i.e. SATAN)Only Comes
To STEAL, and
To KILL, and

John 10:10

FatherOfPieces Today in America the unthinkable has become thinkable and the abnormal has not only become normal, but CELEBRATED. Are you shocked, saddened, or sorry to see these events? Don’t be and FEAR NOT! because Jesus told us all these things would happen two thousand years ago.

In fact these behaviors of Stealing, Killing, and Destroying are the natural fruit of their father and like father like son, the sons of perdition are following in their father’s footsteps doing his work “As BELOW (the earth) so Above (on the earth)” So who is this “father?!?”

The signs say 'No Justice, No Peace' but what is JUSTICE? Or even still, what is the Opposite of Justice? It is NOT 'Injustice' it is Mercy and there is no mercy to anyone when cities are destroyed and lives ruined. Here is what Jesus said about the sin and anarchical actions of people and their FATHER:

“For you are the children of YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
John 8:44

The only real justice comes from God and cannot or can ever be found in the broken PIECES left by angry mobs. The fruit of this is consistent with the character of the FATHER OF LIES which is wantonly Stealing, Killing, and Destroying a society that at heart seeks to be united and whole. Evil is not any one color.

With the JUSTICE OF GOD there is PEACE, not war, LOVE and not HATE, WHOLENESS and not PIECES. Turn your heart towards true Justice and Love God. Despise these works of the dEVIL, and follow the only one who can turn PIECE to PEACE -

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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