Article No. 0403

The Fire of Refinement

“And though the Lord give you
The bread of adversity, and
The water of affliction,
Yet shall not your teachers be removed
Into a corner any more, but
Your eyes shall see your teachers.”

Isaiah 30:20

dross In his 1888 book, Twilight of the Idols Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the (infamous and) oft quoted phrase, “What does not kill me makes me stronger” and the usual response to that when we are going through trials is “Yeah, RIGHT, but this horrible thing I am going through right now Really STINKS!

While we all go through trials in life, it is our response to them that determines both our character and our future direction. You can either sit, soak, and sour or surpass, shine, and soar - it all depends on how you choose to face the trial.

Difficulties in life are indeed the 'Furnice of Affliction,' but the end result is well worth it when you yield to the lesson:

“Gold and Silver are TESTED by FIRE,
And a person’s heart is
TESTED by the LORD.”

Proverbs 17:3

Just as extreme heat is used to separate impurities from precious metal, likewise through the fire of our trials our teachers come to light and then God can cleanse and purify us. And while we can resist and choose to avoid the fire, if we do so our metal will never be pure and we will never receive the riches that can be released from within. As the psalmist wrote also:

“God you have proved us and tried us
Just as silver is tried and purified...
We went through fire and through water
But in the end you brought us out into a

Psalm 66:10,12b

Our trials may not be easy, but trust God through them, because when you are PURIFIED, you will realize your WEALTH.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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