Article No. 0402

The Road We
Walk In Life
Isn’t Always

“Let your eyes look forward;
Fix your gaze straight ahead.”

Proverbs 4:25

road-curvy If you look at this picture, we can all honestly say that our path along the road of life has never been perfectly straight. In fact the road is a bit wavy, and the question is WHY.

We have all had the experience of driving when something to the left or right side of the road catches our eye, and once we take our eyes off of looking forward, the car out drifts out of the lane and we start weaving.

This is a great analogy of what often happens in life. If we were to keep our eyes on God and follow His direction we would always stay in the centerline of the road, but as soon as we allow ourselves to get distracted by things that catch our attention that are outside of God’s truth, we start weaving and the road is made crooked.

Look...nobody is perfect and we all have and will make mistakes, but as today’s scripture admonishes us, keep your eyes on God and follow His precepts. When you do, you’ll never go in the wrong direction and will safely stay on your road through this life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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