Article No. 0398

Everyone Is
Going To Heaven!
(but not everyone gets to stay)

“I saw the dead,
both important and unimportant people,
standing in front of the throne.”

Revelation 20:12

TheBooks One day everyone that has ever lived will go to heaven and stand before the throne of God. For some it will be a day of exuberation, but for others their day of condemnation. Here’s why.

In Psalm 139:16 it says that everything we have ever done, said or thought in our life was written in a book, and before the throne of God, everyone’s book is opened. However our judgement is not based on what WE HAVE DONE, but what WE HAVE NOT DONE.

Sadly, most people mistakenly think that if they were able to take all the good pages from their book and all the bad pages and present them before God showing that the good outweighs the bad and that is all it takes to stay in heaven - but that is not what the Bible teaches.

The Bible says that even the smallest mistake we’ve made in our lives is a sin, and God cannot have anything with sin in His presence. That would mean that your book would have to be 100% sinless and that is impossible because all of us have sinned. (Romans 3:23)

The solution is not what you DONE, but what you have DECIDED about who you are and who God is.

Those before the throne will have had to change their minds in this life about who they are and who God is. That is what the word “REPENT” means. When you make the choice to change your mind that God is God, that you are a sinner, and that Jesus paid for your sins on the cross and that you accept and receive in your heart God’s offer of salvation the record in your book is tossed aside and your name is written in another book called “The Book of Life” (Revelation 20:15).

If you have NOT DECIDED that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He paid the price for your sins, then sadly your name will not be in the Book of Life, and as the verse in Revelation says, your trip to heaven is short lived and your final destination is the OPPOSITE of heaven.

So YES, You will go to heaven! The question is “Will you get to stay there?” That is up to you to DECIDE.

Have you made that decision? If not, make it TODAY.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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