Article No. 0397

Is This Why
(You Think)
You Are Going
To Heaven?

“ For by grace are you saved (i.e. able to go to heaven)
through faith (in what Christ did on the cross)
and not because of your own goodness
instead it is a gift of God
(to those that repent and believe).”

Ephesians 2:8

Jump-the-Gap-to-Heaven.jpg Are you one of those people that 'don’t need RELIGION' and figure that being a GOOD PERSON is all that’s required to go to heaven? Most people are. Christianity after all is a scam, a racquet to take money from people and churches are full of hypocrites anyway. Plus it can’t possibly be the only way to heaven or the only religion, right?!? And besides, even though you may admit that you’re not perfect, at least you honestly believe “I’m a good person” so that either:

  • God is not THAT angry at me anyway to the extent that he would even send me to hell (or)
  • If God DOES send people to hell, then he’s one cruel taskmaster not worthy of honoring anyway

Well, here is the truth plain and simple. The Bible says that ALL of us are sinners, all have sinned, and all are deserving of not being in Heaven in His presence, but this is the GOOD NEWS (literally the translation of the word GOSPEL.)

God has provided a means for everyone to go to heaven, and here is the Gospel plan in 25 words or less:

  • Jesus covered YOUR sins on the cross
  • Believe That
  • Ask Him to Forgive Him of your sin
  • Honor Him as YOUR Saviour and LORD

That’s it!! But the challenge offered to you right now is.... Do you believe and accept that Jesus is “The WAY, The TRUTH, and LIFE” - that He alone is the only WAY to HEAVEN, the only TRUTH on How to get there, and the only way to eternal LIFE? If so, do not depend on your righteousness but his, and accept His invitation to heaven. He is patiently waiting for you. You cannot jump the gap to heaven on your own, no matter how 'good' you are.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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