Article No. 0392

The Ultimate
Lay Away

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves break through and steal: but
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys and
where thieves do not break in and steal.”

Matthew 6:19-20

layaway-sale For many people, life is all about getting more and more, be it investing in a bigger house, nicer car, more clothes, home furnishings or aquiring more and more on “lay-away” or credit. But here’s the rub...all these “things” will all eventually pass away through wear, tear, corrosion, disintegration, or in some cases theft, destruction - or even end up in the trash.

Years ago I was outside of a large mansion where a wealthy couple had died. The family had gone in and removed all possessions that had value to them, and a vendor was called in to empty the house of everything else for disposal. He sat there looking seriously at the home pondering the job ahead of him and I asked him what He was thinking and he replied, “I’m trying to determine if this is going to a ONE dumpster house or TWO dumpster house.”

DeadPeoplesStuffForSale You see, everything we store up in this life that we think has value will eventually pass away, and if that is what we invest our heart and lives in, in the end it is all meaningless. However as today’s scripture says, when we make the investment of our heart and soul into the Kingdom of God, God promises that those investments will never pass away, and in fact will give a return beyond what we ask of think.

When Jesus fed the FIVE THOUSAND with FIVE loves of bread (Mark 6:30-44) there was a ONE THOUSAND time return on investment! This is the investment economy of the Kingdom of God and not the temporal lay-aways of this world.

Verse 21 of today’s verse finally answers this question when it says:

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

So where is your heart? When you invest your heart into the Kingdom of God, all things of true value will never pass away and He will return dividends far greater than any short term happiness you may experience in “laying away” things in this life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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