Article No. 0386

We All
Two Lives

“I set before you
The WAY of LIFE,
And The WAY of DEATH.”

Jeremiah 21:8

iris-the-natural In the 1984 seminal baseball movie The Natural, there is a touching scene where the character (Iris) played by Glenn Close is speaking with Roy Hobbs (played by Robert Redford), a great baseball player that was regretting the unexpected path his life had taken due to an innocent but tragic mistake he had made years ago that had sadly derailed his life.

In an astounding statement made by Iris, they shared this poignant exchange:

Iris:I believe that we live two lives...
Roy:What do you mean?
Iris:There’s the Life we LEARN WITH.... and

This is true in both your life in this physical world and your life in the future spiritual world. Roy, also in looking back on his life says to Iris “there are some mistakes you never stop paying for” and perhaps all of us can look at our natural lives with the same kind of regret...but it does not have to be.

However the good news is that in the spiritual world, God’s world of forgiveness and grace can make your past clean. When Jesus died on the cross, His Blood wiped the slate clean off of YOUR life! All you need do is give your sins to him, ask him to forgive you, and then he will wipe the mistakes you would be paying for (in damnation) totally clean. Without Christ, you will never stop paying for the mistakes of sin in eternity but with HIM you can and will live a life everlasting.

Yes...we all indeed (will) live two lives:

  • One Here on Earth
  • One in Eternity

Unlike Roy Hobbs, life can turn out like even better than you expect...but you must accept Christ as your LORD and SAVIOUR. Please do this today, otherwise in eternity you will never finish paying for your past mistakes.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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