Article No. 0383

The True Meaning
Of “Easter”

“This is a day you are to commemorate,
for the generations to come you shall celebrate it
as a festival to the Lord— a lasting ordinance.”

Exodus 12:14

ishtar This Old Testament scripture from Exodus looks forward prophetically to the resurrection of Jesus - a very special Sunday each spring when we celebrate this pivotal event in history. This is and should be rightfully called “Resurrection Sunday” and not “Easter Sunday” - a mistake unfortunately made by the majority of Christians and churches.

Calling this day Easter is a mistake because it’s origin is in the pagan holiday and worship of Ishtar (note the similar sounding pronunciations), the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. Over the eons her symbols of eggs and rabbits have morphed into the seemingly innocent traditions we hold today and her name likewise has evolved to the more Anglo sounding name 'EASTER'. The point here is that biblically speaking, there is absolutely no connection between the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the traditions of Easter.

This most Holy of Holy days on the Christian calendar is NOT about candy, eggs, or bunnies! It IS about Jesus Christ overcoming the curse of sin and death and raising from the dead – the single most phenomenal and important event in history!

What the world needs to see and understand is that the resurrection of Jesus IS the message that Christianity gives the world! It is and was through Christ’s suffering on the cross and his complete payment for our sins that humanity was freed from death, and the door to heaven and eternal life in heaven was opened. As both the Apostle Paul said and the Psalmist prophesied:

“ Thou (i.e. Jesus) hast ascended on high,
thou hast led captivity captive (from the grave):
thou hast received gifts for men;
yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD
God might dwell among (with) them
(in heaven

Psalm 68:18

Christ has risen! Rise to meet him! This is RESURRECTION SUNDAY!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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