Article No. 0382

The Partnership
Faith & Power

“For she said within herself,
If I may but touch his garment,
I shall be whole.”

Matthew 9:21

touch-his-cloak One of the most mysterious aspects of how God works is 'If God knows what we want or are going to say, why do we need to request and pray it?'

The reason why is that there are two important parts that must be present in order for God to work, and both of these are found in this story of the woman that reached out to touch his garment for healing. Although she did not speak the words directly to Jesus, she prayed and believed it in her heart and literally reached out to complete her request in faith. When she did she literally created a connection to Christ and demonstrated how this mystery of faith and power work together.

God always has the power to act, but He (generally) does NOT do so unless He is asked - but not just asked by any voice or because it is something we want! When we ask in total belief of heart and our Hand of Faith reaches out and connects with The Hand of God it completes a 'spiritual circuit'! and POWER is released!

There are four qualities the petitioner must have to complete this power circuit. The prayers must come must come from:

  • The prayer of a servant (Nehemiah 01:11)
  • The prayer of the upright (Proverbs 15:08)
  • The prayer of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29)
  • (out of a) PRAYER OF FAITH (James 5:15)

Prayers are answered when there is passion and fervency by the one asking in the earnest belief that God will do what is asked. This was true in every instance in the Gospels when Jesus healed, be it the friends that dropped a sick comrade down through the roof, the Centurion that asked for healing of his daughter, or Martha and Mary for Lazarus. In each case there was no doubt in the hearts of the petitioners that God would do what they asked, and because their hearts were right, the circuit between THEIR FAITH and GOD’s POWER was completed.

So Christian, “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” (Isaiah 55:6) and complete the Faith/Power circuit!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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