Article No. 0380

Will A Ticket Be
On Your
Eternal Windshield?

“NOW is the accepted time;
NOW is the day of salvation.”

2 Corinthians 6:2

limit-1-life Maybe this has happened to you too!

You parked and fed the meter, thought there still enough time left and just as you were returning to your car the meter maid was placing a ticket on your windshield.

You tell them, “Hey! I had time on the meter! That’s not fair!” and they say, “Sorry, but your time ran out and you’re too late. There is nothing that can be done now.”

You missed your chance to avoid this ” and now payment is due for not acting sooner.

Being late at the end of your life works just like that too. We are all given just so much time on our “life meter,” but at one point your meter will run out, but did you take care of it before the 'accepted time?' If NOT, judgement comes upon you and then THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Making your choice to accept Christ and be saved from the penalty of eternal death is exactly like this. Don’t be a person that says “I’ll get around to this religion stuff sometime,” or “I’ll make a commitment to Christ one day,” or mistakenly think (the biggest lie of the devil) - “There is plenty of time left.”

Friend, do not kid yourself because your meter of life can expire at any time, and once it does, there is no recourse.

I implore you: Choose to decide to follow Christ TODAY, because you never know when that moment of citation will come.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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