Article No. 0379

Prince of Peace
King of Kings!!

“And on His robe
And on His thigh
Has a name written:
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

Revelation 19:16

KING-Of-KINGS When Jesus came into the holy city of Jerusalem before His crucifixion, He didn’t ride in as a conqueror on a war horse, but on a lowly donkey. In the Bible, the donkey represents peace, and Jesus entered into the Holy City with cries of adoration, praise, and joy as the people cried Hosanna to the Prince of Peace.

Likewise His disciples and the crowds did not enter with swords and armor, but followed him on a green carpet of peaceful palm branches. The people, excited about this great prophet and miracle worker coming to the Passover feast wanted to celebrate Jesus as their Savior and King, not knowing that this was not the conquering king and political leader they had hoped for, but would later indeed be a greater conqueror and leader than ANY earthly king. However much to their dismay in a few days he would instead be nailed to a cross and die - but in doing so would actually win a greater victory for them than any earthly king or general.

From the beginning of His life to the end, Jesus led a humiliating life. He became fully human - lowering himself below the angels, and came to earth and worked as a common laborer, took on the form of a man and plunged into a turbulent world of sin and temptation only to overcome all these trials to remain sinless. As a humble servant he washed His disciple’s feet, showing them with His life how they also ought to do the same for each other. He without reservation gave His love, care, and healing in His short ministry until willingly laying Himself down as the perfect sacrifice as The Lamb of God That Took Away The Sins Of The World.

No army took His life from Him, but freely laid down His own life to open up eternity for us to be with Him. Now we must also lay down the palms of our surrendered hearts in reverence to Him because as He gave himself up for us, we also must give ourselves up to HIM.

While on the earth He once road on a donkey of Peace, he will return instead on the White Horse of a Conqueror as KING of King and LORD of Lords; Then instead of us as his disciples walking on green palms, we shall also return with him as well in this his second triumphal entry!

Friend, Don’t be caught outside of His favor when He Returns to judge the world! Come join Him right now by praying this prayer -

Dear Lord:

Now I understand the meaning of your resurrection and the real meaning of your life and death. Thank you for leaving heaven to come and take my sins away from me. Please forgive me for my sins against you and allow me the privilege to live forever in your kingdom. I want to know you as my KING and my SAVIOR. In your holy name I pray,

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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