Article No. 0376

The Choice
Is Yours

“If anyone worships the beast...
and receives a mark
on his forehead or on his hand, (and)
... will drink the wine of God’s wrath, (and)
... will be tormented with fire and sulfur.”

(i.e. in Hell)
Revelation 14:9-10

mark-on-hand The #1 objection that people have about God, The Bible, and Christianity is “How can a so-called 'God of Love' send anyone to Hell?!?” Fair question, and the answer is found in this future prophecy found in Revelation.

According to the Bible, a time is coming called the 'Great Tribulation' when the world will be taken over by a world leader called the Anti-Christ. He will demand that people accept a mark (known in both the Bible and popular culture as '666') on their right hand or forehead, but if you re-read today’s verse, doing so is a decision made by the recipient. Those that CHOOSE to accept the mark will save their lives and be able to “buy and sell” (Revelation 13:17) but those that choose NOT to take the mark according to revelation account cannot and are persecuted and/or killed. Jesus put it this way:

“ Whosoever shall seek to save his life,
shall lose it: and
whosoever shall lose it,
shall preserve it.”

Luke 17:33

The Bible says that those that make the DECISION to 'save their life' and take the 666 mark seal their fate for eternity, and are cast into a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:41) But let’s forget about this so-called mark for a moment, and look at what you perhaps choose to NOT believe right now.

Jesus in NOT the Lord, he did NOT raise from the dead, and Jesus is NOT the only way to heaven (that is if there is one) and if there even is a heaven, being a 'good person' is good enough to get in. Either that or there is no god, so none of this religious nonsense matters anyway. Those may be your choices – and you have every right to believe them. But in one sense; like the people in Revelation, you’ve put down your own marker to live your life YOUR way.

This CHOICE is an intersection that you face that goes beyond life or death – this is a matter of your eternal life or eternal death. You can dismiss this as religious fanaticism if you choose - or it could just be true. Either way, the Bible says this well when it says:

“But if serving the LORD seems
undesirable to you,
then choose for yourselves this day
whom you will serve.”

Joshua 24:15

What is your CHOICE?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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