Article No. 0374

Social Distancing: YES
God Distancing: NO

“His purpose was for the nations
to seek after God and perhaps
feel their way toward him and find him
—though he is not far from any one of us.”

Acts 17:27

Distance The world-wide health crisis demands that we all practice 'Social Distancing'. While this is a time to be distanced from the world, it is NOT a time to be Distanced From God.

Like all evil in the world, the purpose of this emergency is to steal, kill and destroy, and like all evil, it originates from one source – the Prince of the Air – Satan himself. As always, he meant all this calamity in the world for evil, but here is the silver lining that he never saw coming!

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is where Joseph [ the same Joseph you might know from the Broadway play Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat(!) ] was thrown into a pit in the desert to die by his jealous brothers, but instead of crying out in fear or despair of being 'quarantined' (!) in a pit to die proclaimed the famous phrase:

“They meant it for evil
but God meant it for GOOD.

Genesis 50:20

So here is the silver lining. Because of this crisis, we now all have an unexpected and amazing GOOD opportunity to get in touch with ourselves – and with GOD. With life, work, school, sports, business and travel on hold, while we may all be living in a time of social isolation, we are not in spiritual isolation because God is with you and especially now could not be any closer.

The Bible encourages us to “Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6) So practice social distancing at this time, but even more take this time to practice spiritual partnering now with God.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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