Article No. 0373

Is Your Answer
To The World’s Turmoil

“ Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
And why art thou disquieted in me?
Hope thou in God:
For I shall yet praise him
For the help of his countenance.”

Psalm 42:5

JesusOverTheWorld With all the commotion in the world right now, what are your thoughts about WHAT is happening in the world and WHY are these things happening? The entire world for the first time in history is ALL talking about the same thing and ALL affected by the same thing as everything we have known as 'normal ' has suddenly and abruptly stopped cold in its tracks.

Has it caused you to pause, take a good look around you and wonder if things will be different from now on? Perhaps you are assuming that when this coronavirus crisis ends that we will all go back to our usual routines as though this was just a temporary thing and be over and done with? Of course we all hope this, but what if another virus or another major disaster occurs like a mega earthquake, massive volcano, tsunami or economic or political turmoil or war?

Then what will you think or do? Where will you go? Most of all WHO will you look to for help, hope or protection? Will it be the government? The news media? Your astrology forecast, political leaders, celebrities or your even local psychic?

Maybe you have heard about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost a thousand times (like in the song “American Pie?!?”) but honestly have spent zero time getting to know who GOD IS. Well, let me tell you there has never been a better time than now!

I want to impress upon you right now on the one who the Bible calls the Name Above All Names and that is the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. He stands RIGHT NOW over the WHOLE EARTH and despite the calamities that are now and will be coming, He is someone you can depend on. Christ is here to protect and save this world and more importantly to save your soul. As today’s scripture says - Hope thou in God...for HE is the HELP of your countenance that you will need when the next storm comes. All you need do is ask Him!

You see, my friend, there is no hope in any government, leader or survival strategy so while they will all fail, don’t be disquieted (worrisome or upset) because God Will Never Fail!! Now, more than ever, is the time to reevaluate who God is and where are you in your relation to Him. Now is the time to get to know Him, to reach out to Him, and to TRUST in Him. As the Psalmist said, here is the cure:

“Hope in God, For He is the Help of Your Countenance”
Psalm 43:5

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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