Article No. 0371

It’s NOT

“Being born again,
not of corruptible seed,
but of incorruptible,
by the WORD OF GOD,
which liveth and abideth for ever.”

1 Peter 1:23

sow-your-seed There is an epidemic of late not 'preachers' promising that if you would just “SOW YOUR SEED into MY ministry” that all kinds of blessings will come to you. According to these financial faith fakers, it could not be simpler because the more you give, the bigger the blessings! All you have to do is SOW YOUR SEED - and they have the testimonies to prove it from people saying things like:

“Oh YES! I sowed $1,000 into Pastor Foolem’s ministry
and I got a check out of the blue for $12,000 in the mail.”
“By giving my seed of $600 in this ministry, the very next week
someone gave me a brand new car!!”

Well here’s news for you. You cannot sow 'YOUR' seed because you have no 'seed' to give! Seed is NOT MONEY (especially not your money!) because the Bible instead teaches something very different.

You see, SEED does not come from you, it comes from God because His SEED is His HOLY WORD – The Bible. When the seed of the Word is planted in your heart and watered by the Holy Spirit it will always produce a harvest of life, healing and faith.

Once you grab hold of this principle, watch God work good works in your life that go far beyond finances. Godly fruit will spring forth from within you when you let the seed of HIS WORD grow inside your heart and apply it to your life. His WORD has POWER that brings transformation to your life to cause you to be conformed to the image of Christ (Philippians 3:10) and to live a spiritually rich life so that you will be...

“Like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
that brings forth fruit in season;
(and your) leaf will not wither;
and whatsoever (you) do shall prosper.”

Psalm 1:3

Let the SEED OF GOD’S WORD spring forth in your heart and into your life and receive His blessings which are beyond earthly measure.

Now THAT is True Prosperity!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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