Article No. 0370

“I’m Immortal!
I’m Gonna Live

“What is your life?
You are a mist that appears
for a little while
and then vanishes.”

James 4:13

JamesDean I was in a thrift store one day and inconspiculously stuck in a corner out of sight was an unsightly old bent aluminum frame with a wrinkled, faded poster of James Dean proclaiming:

“The only greatness for a man
is immortality”

This mangled statement tucked away in an obscure corner was hardly the bold, proclaimed end that James Dean boasted about on his poster. The fact is that despite all the fame and adoration he may have enjoyed in his brief life, like many famous 'stars' of the past, he and others are now all six-feet under. No one will see or hear from them again, and chances are that a hundred years from now they will all be long forgotten – if not forgotten already.

The point is that your immortality also cannot be gained or earned in this life, but it can be obtained through Jesus Christ. You see friend, we are all destined to physically die – this is inescapable, and we all are destined to spiritually die - that is unless you receive the gift of eternal life by receiving the forgiveness for your sins that Christ is freely offering.

This is the most important decision you will make while you’re still above, and not below the ground! Unlike Dean, God has not forgotten YOU. Believe and receive that Christ led the way as the one that first rose from below the earth and ascended into heaven (1 Corinthians 15:20)...and you will also do so in like manner if you are covered by Him under His blood! Accept Christ today as your Lord and Saviour and YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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