Article No. 0367


“Each one must give as
he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

offering-plate Giving support for the work of the ministry is a vitally important responsibility. Ask yourself though - when the plate is passed on Sunday morning and you drop in that offering, what is your honest motivation?

If you think that it is a way of helping your church or favorite ministry while also getting a tax deduction to boot, THINK AGAIN! God is not interested in your money, but your heart. In fact, when you give to gain your offering is an abomination to Him, because He is much more interested in honouring and obeying Him than your booty of sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22)

The Bible promises blessing to those that give out of a grateful and honest heart, so when 'Funding In Faith' there is a blessing promised to the giver. Now keep in mind that this is NOT a 'Give To Gain' scheme, and just because you give does not mean a tit-for-tat recompense from heaven of showered wealth. God blesses in many different ways so when we give out of a pure heart, His blessings manifest often in ways we never anticipated or expected!

So give without looking at how it may or may not affect the bottom line of your 1040 tax form. Give instead as God leads you in your spirit, not based on if it is 'tax deductible.' It will not only help others, but you’ll help yourself in ways you will never see coming.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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