Article No. 0364

Is Your “Food”
'FDA' Approved?

“ Man shall not live by Bread Alone but by
every word which Proceedeth out of
The Mouth of God.”

Matthew 4:4

“I am the Bread of Life.”

John 6:35

milk I was pouring a glass of organic milk this morning and I thought, “Why do I trust that this glass of milk is what it says it is? Is it truly organic and free of steroids? Was it pasteurized properly and safe to drink?

In our house we always buy FDA approved organic milk because we want to aid the health of our physical bodies, so it is important that we can trust what it says it is.

But there is another 'FDA' that approves heavenly food to an even more benefical standard, and that is our Heavenly Father’s Divine Approval which sanctifies and blesses those that take in His 'Food' - His Word, The Bible.

As today’s scriptures point out, we cannot live forever solely on regular food. Even if all we ate was FDA approved, our bodies will eventually die. In order to sustain your soul into eternity, you have to trust and feed on The Bread of Life.

The Word of God is always safe and will fully nourish your spirit and restore your mind. It is FDA Approved!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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