Article No. 0363

Pray For Yourself

“Is anyone among you troubled?
Let them pray.”

James 5:13

Pray4Self When should we pray? Is it just when we’re troubled? No, the Bible says to pray without ceasing, but are you asking how i s this possible? It means that we are to include God in our thoughts and conversations listening low to His voice not only when we are troubled about something, but for all kinds of requests to answers we need.

Do we need to have others pray for us? Yes, Jesus says in Matthew 18:19, “Again, I tell you truly when two or more are gathered together, there I will be also.” In this life there will be some very troubling times, and praying with others gives us strength and comfort, yet too often we try to find a quick fix to our problems by asking everyone else to pray for us. There’s nothing wrong with having others praying for you, but you’ll never get your life to a place of victory until you begin to pray yourself.

The biggest church in the world is in Seoul, Korea, has 800,000 members and is pastored Dr. David Cho. How did that church grow to be so large? According to Dr.Cho, the key was and is prayer. Not just his prayers, but the prayers of all of his people, because praying is a way of life in that church. They have a place called Prayer Mountain where thousands of people come every day to pray.

I once heard Dr. Cho’s mother-in-law on television talking about the emphasis they put on prayer. She said that when their church members are in trouble, or when they have marriage problems or other difficulties in their lives, before anything else is done, they are told to fast and pray for 24 hours.

We need to do more of that here in our churches in the United States and not encouraging people to run around asking others to pray for them, but instead teach them to pray for themselves. Begin to buckle down and pray for yourself and discipline yourself to start searching out the things of the Spirit, and you’ll receive answers from God and learn how to make adjustments in your life that will keep those problems from cropping up again.

When you make Jesus Christ your Lord, you always have access to the throne of Almighty God. He has every solution to every problem you’ll ever have, and He’s just waiting for you to come to Him so He can give you the answer. Make it a priority to have some “private time̶ alone every day with Him to hear His voice speak to you and He will never disappoint you.

Don’t depend on others to do your praying for you. Go personally to the throne of God today and pray for yourself.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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