Article No. 0361

My Word Is
The Breath Of Life

“All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the servant of God may be.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17

GodSpeakingWords My Children: WHERE IS YOUR BIBLE?

Some are tucked away in your night stand. Some are in an old cedar chest up in your attic. Some have your initials on the cover, but not a single page has ever been read. Some are old family Bibles with family trees once proudly written of their ancestry lineage, now displayed and adorned as a material possession. Some are covered up under stacks of books. Some have stained, torn out pages making it unable for you to read. Some of them are lost never to be found again or you have forgotten if you have one. Some of you don’t even care to own MY WORD TO YOU or even know that it exists.

My book tells of the life of Job who suffered Satan’s test with unwavering patience, faithfulness and endurance never turning away from Me while professing out loud, “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” (Job 33:4) Job knew Me and he knew My Word.

How can you be so bold as to say you are a follower of Christ if you do not know My Word? So many of you need to understand… My WORD breathes life into you.It is not just a book, My book is Holy and must be revered. My book is My love letter written to show you My abiding love for you, divinely inspired by My Holy Spirit through my chosen ones who wrote down My words to last from generation to generation. My words travel throughout infinity from the beginning when I created the world until the end of it which will come and my child, it is coming soon. My words resonate throughout the universe and reach inside each living soul who searches for Me transforming the mind, the spirit, and the soul.

Do not waste your time looking for the answers to life from the world with all its great scholars and philosophers, for their knowledge is limited. Pray to Me and read My words. I AM beyond knowledge. As I spoke to my prophet Isaiah, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 53:9) Think on this and look to Me. I have all the answers to every question, want, and need.

In the beginning when I created Adam I breathed life into his being and then breathed the same breath into Eve, his wife. Do not take your life for granted nor squander your days away ignoring Me. Your life is a gift I give you and the number of your days I have already ordained. Fill yourself up with My Word and I will give you grace and favor in ways you have never imagined.

Forever near you,


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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