Article No. 0360

Are you a
(or a)
DISCIPLE of Christ?

“Whoever wants to be
Take up their cross DAILY and

Luke 9:23

steps-to-discipleship.jpg Polls over the years have shown that most people in the USA consider themselves 'Christians'. But are all “Christians” by definition DISCIPLES of Christ?

While you may attend church regularly and actively participate as a volunteer, are very devout, and maybe even have publicly confessed Christ as LORD and Saviour, does that automatically also make you a DISCIPLE? If so, what does that mean?

The word disciple is related to the word DISCIPLINE. Or to put it another way, to be a disciple means to be disciplined to Christ at a higher level of commitment on a variety or levels. This does not mean being legalistic, acting according to a series of rules, or obeying traditional church regulations or traditions! Instead, today’s scripture says, it means to deny yourself.

You see, the Christian walk is not easy. It is contrary to our natural nature where 'looking out for #1' is the norm. The 19th century Christian writer Gilbert Keith Chesterton said this best when he surmised:

“It’s not that the
Christian faith has been
tried and found difficult,
but rather it’s been found
difficult and left untried.”

Jesus never asked you to just accept His gift of Salvation, become a Christian and stop there! He wants you to put Him above all relations (Luke 14:26), follow Him (John 12:26), led by the Spirit of God in your life (Romans 8:14), be transformed in your mind (Romans 12:2) and conformed to His image (Philippians 3:10). Living all these things is not a “One and Done!” It requires taking up the cross of Christ daily and faithfully.

So Christian, ask yourself...are you a Disciple? It is never too late to pick up your Cross and Follow Him.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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