Article No. 0359

You Do NOT
Have To Ask Permission
To Go Into This
“Oval Office! ”

“Let us therefore come
Boldly unto the
Throne of Grace
That we may obtain Mercy, and
Grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16

before-the-throne-of-grace.jpg Imagine that you could walk into the White House and Oval Office at any time unannounced to have an audience with the President, or to the Queen at Buckingham Palace or speak at the podium to the UN!?! Wouldn’t that be ridiculous? In this world yes, but in the court of heaven - NO! ... and today’s scripture verse tells us why.

Our Heavenly Father has an 'Open Door' policy! Just like your children can come up to your lap anytime and say “Daddy!”, we also can come to the feet of the LORD at the throne and talk to Him any time we want. You don’t have to make an appointment, be at a certain 'level of spirituality or holiness', rank, level, or title before God because He is always welcome to you at any day, time, or moment. All you have to do is approach!

Too many believers think that they have to act like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ pounding at the gates to the kingdom in order to have an audience with the Most High, but if you think about it, that is ridiculous for this reason.

The Bible says that the heavenly City of Jerusalem is fifteen hundred miles square and God’s temple is smack-dab in the middle of it, so pounding at the gates (which are already open!) doesn’t make any spiritual sense because those gates are MILES away from the throne. You might as well yell into a barrel!

If you want your prayers to be heard, then go boldly go to God’s Throne, Christian! Then let your prayers and petitions known, asking both in FAITH and according to HIS WILL and He will hear you!

His eye may be on the sparrow, but he watches – and wants to listen – to YOU up close and personal. Boldly go before the throne! He is waiting for you THERE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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