Article No. 0357

Have You Pleased
God Today?

“Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to
Please Him in All Respects,
Bearing fruit in every good work.”

Colossians 1:10

pleasing-god If you have been a parent, then you have experienced your children hurting you. Just as infants walk on your toes and later walk on your heart, likewise even as mature people we also at times walk on God’s heart. The well known Memphis pastor Adrian Rodgers said it this way, “Sin is not just breaking God’s laws; it is breaking His heart.” As His sons & daughters we may not purposefully disappoint the LORD, but because of our fallen human nature there will be times when we do. When we do it hurts His heart, but even so He kindly loves us even when we are not on our best behavior.

I have to admit that as I lay down to sleep and look back on a day what I said, thought, did, or (especially) did NOT do, I have realized it was not one of my best days! Perhaps you have felt the same way. If so, This Is Normal! The thing is that as fallen humans saved by grace in Christ, we all will blow it at one point or another. This is just how our life on earth is, but here is the GOOD NEWS.

Our Heavenly Father is patient and kind, and He freely forgives those that sincerely want to please Him. Just as when our children seek to please us, it brings us great joy, when we please the Father, it also brings Him great joy.

As today’s scripture exhorts us, when you go to bed each night, ask yourself the question, 'LORD have I been pleasing in your sight today?' Tomorrow when you wake up, keep this thought in mind and by the end of the day as you lay down to sleep, you can enjoy the satisfaction of His Spirit saying to your heart, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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