Article No. 0356

Let The World Go
Come Sit With Me
Be Still

“Be still and know that I AM God”
Psalm 140:10

still-with-god The following are words the LORD gave me today while in prayer and meditation:

The world and Satan are opposed to me and both are drawing you away from me far away. My heart is broken for you. Do not let this happen. Come to me. Start each morning with me and you will find me. Search for me with all of your heart and the world and all of it’s tempting and distracting ways will diminish, for they offer you nothing, which is useless and of no benefit. I offer you everything! I own everything you need and I give you life, life eternal.

“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

My Child, Listen To Me,

“I AM the Lord. I am Jesus, the Word of God. I made heaven and earth. Assuredly, apart from me there is no other god in all of the universe. Stop putting your gods before me! As large as I am I am able to see into your heart. I know you, because I created you, and I feel every joy, every pain, every hope, every desire, every longing. I am consciously aware of everything you think and everything you feel. I love you beyond your comprehension and everything that concerns you concerns me. You are never alone, my child, never. I have my angels watching over you and you have an assigned guardian angel who stays with you protecting you every moment of every nigh and day never leaving you leave your mortal body.

Stop the world and put me “first” when you awaken. Welcome me into your day and I will come to you. Sit still and calm your active mind and soon you will feel my presence. The more you come to me, the more you will know me. I am infinite knowledge and I know exactly what is best for you, because no one knows you better than me. I want to offer you the greatest riches of heaven, my child. No, do not let the world draw you away from me when you will discover my divine direction and amazing unconditional love

I am calling you. Do you hear me?

Let me touch you and teach you my wisdom so that you will receive the abundance of life I have for you.

Oh, how I love you!

Your Loving Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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