Article No. 0354

Come Smell
The Sweet Fragrance
Of Jesus

“I am a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys”

Song of Solomon 2:1

lion+rose If you are like me, I’m crazy about roses, but with all the beautiful fragrant flowers God created, which one would be Jesus’ favorite? He is called the 'Rose of Sharon' and the 'Lily of the Valley', but perhaps He has one flower that He calls special.

Let me take a moment to share a personal experienced tucked away in my heart.

I was praying with my eyes closed sitting in a Bible study when I began to smell the fragrance of the most beautiful roses lightly passing by me. I took in a deep breath and knew without a doubt that it was Jesus walking in front of me knowing, there were no flowers in that room. Yes! The aroma I smelt was of the Lord Jesus - as sweet and lovely as roses. How I wanted that fragrance and moment to last and last! I sat there overwhelmed with joy and amazement and whispered with excitement to my close friend, “Jesus just walked by me! I just smelt Jesus!! He smells just like roses!!”

The point of sharing this is that Jesus is this close to all of us all the time and closer than we know. While we may not always smell His scent or see Him with our eyes, we see can see Him with our spiritual eyes. Jesus touches us in different ways and at different times, even sometimes as it was for me, by surprise!

My dear friend, do you know Jesus personally, or to you is He simply a famous man with long hair who lived 2,000 years ago who had some good ideas about how to live life? If that is your perspective, there is so much more to Him than that! Jesus is the Son of God who died for you so you could live forever! Ask Him today to come into your heart to be your Lord and my Savior. There is no other closer friend or ally that you could possibly have!

All you need to do is open your heart to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Ask Him to touch your life in ways that will bring you close to Him so that you will live your life in heaven forever. You’ll then become a son or daughter welcomed into the kingdom of God.

Isn’t heaven where you will want to be for eternity? If so, don’t put it off any longer. Don’t delay and ask Christ to come to you today and come smell the sweet fragrance of Jesus.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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