Article No. 0351

Are You A
Child of God
Or a
Son Of God?

“For as many as are led by the
Spirit of God,
they are the
Sons of God.”

Romans 8:14

Child-Son-OfGod Everyone in the world - every person on the planet is a Child of God. It is not a matter of region, race, or religion because we are all God’s children and He knows and loves everyone – including you - no exceptions!!

But as today’s title asks, while we all may be God’s children, is everyone also “God’s Son?” (Or daughter!) While these words seem to be interchangeable, there is a very important distinction between the two that has eternal implications.

The answer is found understanding the meaning behind the words used in the original language of the New Testament:

  • Children: (Greek: τέκνα [ tech-nah ] ) is the idea of physical descendants of a family line
  • Sons: (Greek: υἱοί [ who-ee-oi ] ) is an emphasis on a personal relationship that is inward, ethereal and legal

We are indeed all part of the human family, and are all physical descendants that go back to Adam and Eve going forward. As God created man and woman in His image and mankind multiplied and replenished the earth, so humanity grew. As His children God loves us, but what is missing here is a deeper relationship and tie to God that defines those as son or daughter of God.

God is calling all of us to move from a physical relationship to a personal relationship that unites us to the Father not only spiritually, but also personally and legally. You see, because the world fell into sin and sin was passed down through all God’s children through the sin of Adam, God needed to reinstate a relationship back to His children, but as long as sin was in the way, this was not possible.

This is why Jesus came and died for our sins. For those that accept His sacrifice to remove their sins and confess Him have him as their PERSONAL Saviour, and that is why we call it a personal relationship with Christ! He delivers us from the eventual physical death that wall physical descendants will be condemned to. But once we are reunited in relationship with God He has not only legally freed us from sin and death, but also brought us into an ethereal (that is spiritual/heavenly) relationship to Him as well.

So you are already a Child of God but He wants you to be a Son/Daughter of God

What is your RELATIONSHIP to God? As Child, or Son/Daughter?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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