Article No. 0349

His Name Is El Roi

“Nothing in all creation is hidden
From the eyes of God.
Everything is uncovered and laid bare
Before the One we must give an account.”

Hebrews 4:13

ElRoi-Watching The eyes of the Lord have unlimited range and are able to scan the earth in one swift sweep, yet also can simultaneously see every molecule or atom. Most importantly, God’s eyes see into the human heart and is able to observe our human behavior, thoughts and deeds - whether good, bad or indifferent.

His eyes are touched and gladdened by those who follow His commands, but deeply saddened and grieved by those who have fallen by the ways of this world into sin. God is dismayed with the billions of lost souls who have rejected His love and are not sheltered by His covering.

This is why one of His names in Hebrew is El Roi which appropriately means “The One Who Sees” because He sees everything in minute detail and is conscientiously and intentionally aware of the welfare of both you and me!

While God is 'All Knowing' and sees everything, He is also 'All Forgiving' too! Even when:

  • There are things that you have done in your life that you may be ashamed of, even ashamed to admit
  • You think that you have hidden things from God that you don’t want Him to know about
  • You have done things that you know are wrong or harmful, but kept doing them anyway
  • You have practiced habits that no one may even see but you don’t want to stop
  • You don’t feel that you deserve to be loved
  • You don’t love yourself, or think no one loves you

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, please know that the God who sees - El Roi knows all about them. You are NOT alone, because He knows all about our human weaknesses and loves and cares about us with all our frailties and faults and all our sins. That’s why He sent Jesus to come and save us so we could live a Good Life in Christ free from shame or guilt, or loneliness and depression.

My friend, there is nothing you could ever do that can’t be forgiven, or nothing you have ever said or experienced that can’t be healed when you give it all over at the feet of Jesus. When you decide to accept Him as your Lord and Savior, He will help you even forgive yourself and it will be the most refreshing feeling you will ever know and your burdens can be over! By giving your heart to Jesus you will make new patterns and behaviors tossing those old ways out for good! Living a new life in Christ is the life God is calling you to live.

Consider the words Jesus spoke personally to Sarah Young in her book , “Jesus Calling”:

I Am with you and all around you,
encircling you in golden rays of light.
I always behold you Face-to-face.
Not one of your thoughts escapes My notice.
Because I am infinite, I am able to love you as if
you and I were the only ones in the universe.
I Am perpetually with you, taking care of you.
I am not limited by time or space; therefore
My Presence with you is a forever-promise.

Friend, Jesus is WATCHING and Calling!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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