Article No. 0348

A Catholic Cross
That Got It Right!

“Jesus of Nazareth,
which was crucified:
he is risen.”

Mark 16:6

new-crucifix Full disclosure, but I was raised 100% Catholic - baptized in the church as an infant, went to Catholic school, First Communion, Alter Boy, Confirmed, graduated from a Jesuit College and even once considered becoming a priest in high school. I owe the church a lot to introducing me to the truth of God and the Bible and have no regrets. Despite what you may hear about abuse in the church, I knew many wonderful, kind priests and nuns.

But there was one thing that always bothered me about being in the church and that was 'Why Was Christ always portrayed suffering on a Crucifix?!?' Didn’t he victoriously conquer death and the grave and rise from the dead? Why isn’t the cross displayed as empty like in all Protestant churches?

Today I happened to be in a Catholic hospital and saw this wonderful Cross Of Christ that finally portrayed a beautifully perfect representation of what really happened on the cross in Calvary. Here two great truths have been combined together – the empty cross and the victorious, risen Christ.

Yes, Jesus died a horrible death on the cross...but did so ONCE for all people and now that cross is EMPTY, except for the reminder of the risen savior. But as Mark 16:6 says so simply - “HE IS RISEN” Praise the LORD for this cross!!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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