Article No. 0346

If You Know
Any Of These Women
Then You Have A

“Woe unto them that call
Evil good, and Good Evil; that put
Darkness for Light, and
Light for Darkness; that put
Bitter for Sweet, and
Sweet for Bitter!”

Isaiah 5:20

bad-videos An article on on February 5, 2020 quoted a statistic that was SO SHOCKING that it not only floored me, but saddened me to the core as to the current moral state of our people, nation and world.

They reported that in a nation in which 139 million voted in the last presidential election that 141 million votes were cast for the best pornographic movie in 2019 on the largest sex-video web site in the world. Also according to this self-same article, these five young women pictured here are the top 'stars' of the adult film world. Not so coincidentally another news article on-line the same day touted proudly that porn stars would now be featured models in a major runway fashion show in New York. If these sex actresses are (or are not) familiar to you, please read on.

We now live in a world, as indicated by today’s insightful and prophetic verse that all that was once considered virtuous has turned vile, where being “straight” is out of step with the times while lewd thoughts, language, dress, and actions are not only accepted but celebrated.

While many that read this may not know or be familiar with any of these women, sadly some of you may, and if you do – and especially if you have confessed Christ as your Lord – you have followed the path of perversion from goodness above. If so, you need to turn now and REPENT (literally change your mind) and seek forgiveness.

This epidemic of a sex-crazed culture and thinking always leads to spiritual destruction. For those on this path, it will never satisfy and will lead to an addiction that will continue to spiral down lower and lower into the denizens of Hell if you let it. But there is good news...

Christ can and does deliver us from ALL sin – no matter how small, large, venial or vial. Make the decision and promise God that RIGHT NOW to never look at these putrid images again!! Change your mind, turn away from the bitter and turn to the sweetness of wholeness and holiness in God. Seek Christ, Get Forgiveness, and Receive His Grace.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus - not JUNK! It is never too late to live a sweet and not bitter life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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